
12 oct. 2007


But the term “rip-off” is thrown about way too much. […] Often times, two projects are merely tapping into the same cultural zeitgeist, employing trends that no single person can claim credit for creating. It’s a common misconception that the first person who does something is the “inventor” of that trend. Not until the idea has been picked up and repeated a few hundred times does it become a trend. Thus, the act of reproduction and emulation is as crucial to authorship as the original instance of the idea.

It’s refreshing to see a graphics blog take a balanced stance on that issue. (Which doesn’t mean there’s nothing wrong with the Bravia ad. It’s a little more than just legitimate inspiration when you’re using the same landscape, same animals, same colors and you mix in the bunny wave concept lifted from another visual in the same artist’s portfolio.)

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