
14 oct. 2007

Tell Me You Love Me 1.01–1.05  

I only got it because I was surprised to see Ally Walker on a video capture, but it’s got surprisingly good writing (and acting) for a courageous-breakthrough-American-show-with-cocks-and-balls-on-screen (-in-the-pilot). They must be fans of Patrice Chéreau or maybe even Catherine Breillat, but they bring the little Hollywood touch that makes the thing digestible.

I love how they started with subtle product placement and then figured, hey, that went well, let’s go ahead and… be less subtle! Well, at least TiVo is a change from Prius.

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Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

I've always had a secret crush on Tim DeKay. I only wish he'd get more naked time.

garoo, il y a 6 ans :


Frozen to the Touch, il y a 6 ans :

Oh come ON!

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