
15 feb. 2003

Why does nothing ever turn out like it should?

This should be the happiest day in my life. Well, maybe just second after the first day I ever ate chocolate. There. Now. I’ve got a Powershot G3. A beautiful digital camera, high resolution, with lots of complex settings, so that I’ll be able to fill up my (ex-)picturelog and my recently reworked portfolio.

But there’s a hitch. Something inside is making a nasty click sound every time I switch from recording to playing, or when the camera’s getting ready to make a picture. Like a mirror, a filter, a something that seems to be switched. Just like the mirror’s noise in an SLR, except that it’s not an SLR and there shouldn’t be a mirror in there. Should there? I’m sure I had read a forum thread about that someday, but I can’t find it back. (Maybe because I’ve been searching for a G3 bug, and it was actually about the G2?)

Anyhow, I’m gonna have to mess with the customers service. Which is never pleasant, but is even less so when it’s about a birthday present. There should be a law against defects in presents. At least, at the time people offered wooden toys, they could test them before. Why doesn’t anybody offer simple, cheap wooden toys anymore? Huh? I wish I’d had one, instead of a top-of-the-line digital camera I’ve spent two years asking for.

Okay, in the meantime, it does work, and it should make nice pictures. Tomorrow I’ll buy a bag for it (the beast is so much bigger than I thought, it’d never fit in my jacket’s pocket) and I’ll be filling up my portfolio in no time.

If everything works out fine.

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