
28 dec. 2007

Optimus Tactus

Looks like Art Lebedev is learning from his mistakes: after going to Hell and back in the process of turning the Optimus Maximus concept into something functional, and remotely reminiscent of the original design (nevermind switching from black to white body, or making an odd keyboard layout to avoid having too many key shapes; the real limitation is that every screen is a tiny square that only occupies a portion of some keys’ surface), he presents the Tactus, which is just one big touch-screen.

Sure, it’s going to be hard finding a screen with this aspect ratio; sure, that means entering a patent minefield; sure, a tactile keyboard is a usability nightmare; sure… uh… yeah, so much for praticality and learning from your mistakes. That’s not gonna fly either.

I’m still waiting for the release — and pricing — of the one concept that’s actually worth something.


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