
9 jan. 2008

NetNewsWire (and FeedDemon) for free

Okay, I’m glad that I didn’t renew my NetNewsWire license a couple months ago because I couldn’t afford it, and I’m glad that I’ll get to upgrade NetNewsWire without having to pay again; but it’s always worrisome when an application becomes free without being bought by Google. I just don’t understand what NewsGator’s business model could be: “selling their server products”? What the hell does that have to do with providing free software and webware aggregators?

All I can hope for is that someone buys NetNewsWire back when NewsGator goes out of business before year’s end (no matter what they claim). In the meantime, woohoo! The best RSS aggregator for OS X is available for free, enjoy while it lasts! (And I’m sure their Windows counterpart is good, too.)


P.S. The new toolbar icons aren’t ugly anymore (but still lacking on usability), and it seems like you can’t change the Dock badge’s color now. I don’t like a red badge on my aggregator; reading blog items isn’t urgent, unlike emails.



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Lionel, 6 years ago:

Je l'ai acheté il y a 4 mois... Ça m'apprendra à payer mes licences, surtout que je suis repassé entre temps sous NewsFire ! ;-)

garoo, 6 years ago:

Encore ? Pfff :)

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