
12 jan. 2008

Drew Karpyshyn: Mass Effect: Revelation  

I loved the game’s universe (more than I liked the writing itself, or the gameplay), so when I saw the prologue novel was only five euros on Amazon it was pretty much a no-brainer to order it, no matter how broke I am these days.

Turns out you can really recognize the author’s style from the game, in that it’s very bland. And even awkward at times — I’m willing to chalk some of the sub-par writing, and obvious lack of proof-reading, up to deadline constraints, but there’s a clear lack of cleverness in the writing, or… well, literary talent.

As for the story, it’s absolutely pointless, doesn’t bring that much insight into the overarching plot or the world, and is most definitely not worthy of a being published as a book. But then, it was only five euros. And it probably worked better as a teaser (it was published before the game was released) than an extension for people eager to spend some more time in this universe.


I did love that, even in the novel, elevators are everywhere — and slow as hell.

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