
8 feb. 2008

Bioware throws some salt on the wound

Pretty much everyone hates the fact that Mass Effect’s ending throws you out of the world and doesn’t let you keep playing and exploring the universe after you’ve finished the main story arc, and the only way to visit all the (boring) uncharted worlds and completing every side mission is to start a new game.

So everybody assumed that downloadable contents would fix this, and the additional missions, that you have to pay for, would let you play with your crew where you left them — besides, I’d always heard that the new missions would serve to bridge the gap between Mass Effect 1 and 2.

Well, how wrong can you be: not only can’t you play the “Bring Down The Sky” mission from where you left off, but you can’t just start a new game, either; you need to have your Shepard commanding the Normandy. Which means that, unless you plan ahead (good thing the download comes in a month) and have spared a save in the middle of the game (between getting the Normandy and leaving the Citadel for good) you’ll have to start a new game and go through Eden Prime and all the conversations that set the world up… just in order to get the privilege to populate your navigation screen with an asteroid you just bought for 400 points.

As cheap as it is, I’m feeling a lot like boycotting that download.


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